SGS 9501 W1


steel galvanized





important advices

For proper use of our products please note
Interesting facts about hoses
All technical Data are according to ISO-Standard and at 20 °C ambient and medium temperature, technical changes reserved.

Technical specifications

SGS 9501 W1

Nr. Width mm Clamping Area from Clamping Area till Packing Unit
950008012091 9 8 12 100
950010016091 9 10 16 100
950012022121 12 12 22 100
950012022091 9 12 22 100
950016025121 12 16 25 100
950016025091 9 16 25 100
950020032121 12 20 32 100
950020032091 9 20 32 100
950025040091 9 25 40 100
950025040121 12 25 40 100
950035050121 12 35 50 50
950035050091 9 35 50 50
950040060121 12 40 60 50
950040060091 9 40 60 50
950050070121 12 50 70 50
950050070091 9 50 70 50
950060080121 12 60 80 25
950060080091 9 60 80 25
950070090121 12 70 90 25
950070090091 9 70 90 25
950080100091 9 80 100 25
950080100121 12 80 100 25
950090110121 12 90 110 25
950090110091 9 90 110 25
950100120121 12 100 120 10
950110130121 12 110 130 10
950120140121 12 120 140 10
950130150121 12 130 150 10
950160180121 12 160 180 10
950192227205 12 190 210 10
950190210121 12 190 210 10